Monday, April 3, 2023

Cookie Monday - Dr. Pepper Cookies


Welcome Back to Cookie Monday!

This week I was working on clearing our some old items in my pantry and fridge.  I had a couple packs of Diet Dr Pepper left over from when I stopped drink soda several months ago.  Instead of wasting soda, I went online to see if there were any recipes or idea to use soda for baking.  I have used use soda/beer for beer bread and saw that people have used soda and cake mix to make baked goods, so I decided to try this out since I also have an abundance of cake mixes in my pantry. 

I didn’t find an exact recipe for cookies, so I decided to just try it on my own.  I took one cake mix and one can of soda and mixed them together.

Bill of Materials:

One Cake mix

One Can of Soda

The mix was extremely thin, more of a batter for cake than cookies, but I decided to try cookies anyway!  Why not, right?

I baked my first article of six cookies without spraying my non-stick pan.  The cookies came out soft and moist like a top of a cupcake!  I was hoping they would firm up a bit after cooling, but they did not.  

These cookies were so soft causing an issue when trying to scoop them off the pan.  Several of them broke into crumbs.

I decided to see if spraying the pan would crisp up the bottoms and firm up the cookies.  After spraying the pan, the cookies were easier to remove from the pan, but still extremely soft.  You can see the difference between the cookies that had the pan sprayed vs the one that didn't.  The cookie on the top did not have cooking spray and the cookie on the bottom did.  

Although these “cakies” were delicious (cakies instead of cookies - get it?), I will probably make a few changes to this recipe in the future - like less Dr. Pepper.

Stay tuned to what I plan to do with the rest of my pantry leftovers. 

I want to try Dr. Pepper cupcakes and beer bread next! 


1 comment:

  1. This week I was working on clearing our some old items in my pantry and fridge. I had a couple packs of Diet Dr Pepper left over from when I stopped drink soda several months ago. Instead of wasting soda, I went online to see if there were any recipes or idea to use soda for baking. I have used use soda/beer for beer bread and saw that people have used soda and cake mix to make baked goods, so I decided to try this out since I also have an abundance of cake mixes in my pantry.
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